Hellllooo friends!! It has been a bit since I last posted…I have missed creating new recipes and sharing tidbits about my life! I wouldn’t say the break was “much needed” as I love using this space as a creative outlet…I was just filling my time with other things which left little time for cooking and blogging. Things like: taking a trip to Seattle, loving on my baby nephew (aka the sweetest, most adorable thing in.the.world!), reading (something I rarely make time for), lots of dog walks, and spending some extra quality time with my husband. What more can a girl ask for!?

Don’t mind my silly attire, I am not used to cold climates…Just look at that baby! Is there any better feeling than a baby sleeping in your arms? Let me know if you come up with one 😉
Anyway, I am BACK and excited about the prospect of a new year. I have been putting a lot of thought into the whole idea of New Years Resolutions and I am a little torn. One one hand, I love the idea of using January 1st as an opportunity to reflect, set goals, and work on a mantra for the year. If the beginning of a new years gets people to the gym, eating better, working on relationships, and other wonderful things, then that’s wonderful! On the other hand, why not do that all year long? Far too often, we create overly ambitious, lofty goals, that end up being forgotten, or just too hard to reach in a year. Why not instead set small, achievable goals at the beginning of each month, or even week? I know I would find more success in this process, and therefore end up achieving more in the long run!
However, after pondering resolutions all day, I did come to one very important conclusion for myself, on a personal level. I realized that, as a “goal-oriented person,” I tend to constantly think about life in terms of the next step, the next phase, how to achieve the next point of satisfaction in life. And for a while, that was necessary: graduate college, obtain a full-time, meaningful job, get married, buy a house, etc. But now that I have so many of the things I have worked toward, I realize that I need to just be. Enjoy it! Enjoy the bountiful life what we have created. Sure, there is always work to be done and ways we can improve, and more that we want to achieve out of this life. But if that is what I am constantly thinking about, I am sucking the joy out of today, the here and now. Plus, there is so much in life that I cannot control, as much as I try! So, I have decided that I will do my best to follow a mantra of contentment this year. I have so much to be grateful for, and I can’t wait to see what else this life brings us! But in the meantime, I will enjoy every moment, knowing these days are all so valuable and special!
One (of many!) parts of my life that I feel very satisfied with is my overall health. I changed the way I ate years ago because my body was telling me I needed to. I had terrible skin outbreaks all over my body to the point of extreme discomfort and embarrassment. Eating a clean, Paleo (ish) diet has not only improved those issues, but has also helped me find my passion for creating, cooking, and sharing delicious healthy recipes. Additionally, exercising makes helps keep me sane, strong, healthy, and an overall happier person.
I want to share and spread that passion (from the rooftops!!) and I have some tips/tricks that I hope will help others find health and happiness in 2018! I decided to go to the archives (aka a few months back) to re-share some past posts that may help as you start this new year off with your best foot forward!
Resolution #1: Create an exercise routine 
6 Tips to Help You Stick to a Workout Routine
(Some of these tips are simple, some take a little more effort. But the important thing is to just start. You will be amazed by what happens when you stick to the plan!)
Resolution #2: Meal Plan (to reduce stress, save time, and stick to your budget)
Tips for Successful Meal Planning
(I honestly think half the battle with cooking is deciding “what’s for dinner?” This guide will help you stay out of a dinner rut and make your weeknights run much more smooth!)
Additionally, here is the Weekly Menu I created and use every week! I can add my dinners for the week and make my grocery list all in one convenient place. It helps a ton when I get to the store and remember why I need each item, and decide on possible substitutions if something isn’t available!
Resolution #3: Learn to love grocery shopping & Stock the house with healthy foods on a budget
(Tips for grocery shopping from before I even leave the house, to what I buy at multiple stores.)
Resolution #4: Stay on track, even when traveling
6 Tips for Staying on Track When Traveling
(The resolution has to last beyond the first few weeks, even when the routine is broken! Traveling doesn’t have to derail your goals if you use these tips.)
Although resolutions are sometimes short-lived, self-improvement and reflection is only a good thing. If you haven’t already made a resolution or a mantra for the year, I hope these ideas can help guide you! I would love to hear what others are working toward this year. Here’s to being happy, healthy, and content in 2018 🙂