

Paleo Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

Oh yes, I'm going there! Basically the second it was officially Autumn, I grabbed a can of pumpkin and my apron. Call me "basic", see if I care! While I wouldn't say the weather is exactly screaming "FALL!", the mornings have been cooler, the days slightly crisper, and the harsh heat seems to have at least taken a break for the time being. In Southern California, that's really all you can ask for! So on Sunday morning, I decided it was time to whip up a batch of Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins. I feel like we all[...]

Gooey Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bars

Posted In: Recipes | Sweets/Desserts
You guys! Halloween is TOMORROW! To me, that means The Holidays are officially upon us. We will be flipping the calendars to November, and then in the blink of an eye, it will be Christmas! I know that freaks some people out, but this is seriously my favorite time of the year. I just love the cooler temperatures, the excitement in the air, the family gatherings, and the feeling of "togetherness" that the holidays bestow upon us. Anyway, now that the weather has finally cooled off (after a week in the 100's),  all I can t[...]

Grain Free Pumpkin Scones

Posted In: Recipes | Sweets/Desserts
Am I the only one that gets slightly irrationally irritated at the premature celebration of Fall? Don't get me wrong, it is EASILY my favorite season of the year and I long for it from about June 1st on. But in order to really enjoy it, it has to really feel like fall. Fortunately, the 1st official day of Fall AND 3 consecutive days of temps in the mid 70's collided for a perfect opportunity to revel in the best season of the year. With a Sunday morning with no plans on my hands, my brain was swirling with ideas for how[...]