

A Weekend in Chicago

Posted In: Lifestyle | Travel
Hi! I have been a bit of an absentee blogger lately...we went on an AMAZING trip and I just had a hard time getting back into my routine after our return! But vacation mode is officially over now ;) Although I haven't been doing much in the "recipe development" realm, I definitely wanted to share all about our recent trip to Chicago, because it was such an awesome weekend and if anyone is considering going, I can't rave about it enough! Chicago is one of the major US cities that has been on my bucket list for a while[...]

Glacier National Park in 3 Days

Posted In: Lifestyle | Travel
Earlier this year, I posted my US Travel Bucket List here on the blog. It was fun to put together, and I really wanted something tangible that I could refer to, rather than just having the ideas swirling around in my head. I have always loved traveling and have a pretty strong urge to see as much of the country (and world) as I can. If you have that same itch, I highly recommend writing out an actual list of places you'd like to visit. It is so helpful to see it in ink, prioritize and, make a plan of attack (even if some o[...]

10 Tips to Get Back on Track After Vacation

Posted In: Lifestyle | Travel
We got back from our AMAZING trip to Glacier National Park late Sunday night and jumped RIGHT back into reality Monday morning. (Because, adulating.) We did as much as we could squeeze in during the 3 quick days we were there, including lots of sightseeing, hikes, bike rides, and of course, more than our fair share of eating!  I plan to tell ya all about the trip in a blog post soon. But since I am currently in the midst of it myself, and the summer/travel season is pretty much here, I thought that I would share some str[...]

U.S. Travel Bucket List

Posted In: Lifestyle | Travel
It is so hard for me to believe we are already almost a week into March! Granted, it is a loooong month, but holy cow, it's going to be summer before we know it! It might sound silly, but I have been having a bit of a hard time lately as I realize how damn fast the months and years are flying by. We have lived in our house for almost 2 years (it feels like just yesterday we were house hunting), I have been working at my job for over 5 years, and Travis is turning 30 this year!!! It's just hard to believe we are both round[...]

The Ultimate Wedding in Denver, CO

Posted In: Lifestyle | Travel
Hello Hello! I hope that everyone had a glorious Labor Day weekend! For the past 10 years, we have spent nearly every Labor Day in Scottsdale, AZ boating, shrimp boiling, and just having an all around amazing time with friends. My college roommate's parents live there and they are ridiculously kind hosts, always treating us to an unforgettable time. This year, the Scottsdale clan broke from tradition and celebrated in a different way... with the ULTIMATE WEDDING WEEKEND in Denver, CO as my college roommate said "I do" to[...]

6 Tips for Staying on Track When Traveling Plus 3 Workouts You Can Do Anywhere!

Posted In: Fitness | Lifestyle | Travel
We just arrived in Washington DC for a weeklong vacation on the east coast with friends and family! So much of my desire to travel is fueled by the fact that many of the people I love and care about the most are spread all over the country! I always I wish I could see my close friends and family members more often, but I do love the excuse to visit other cities and see other parts of the country. I thought that since I am traveling this week, I would share some tips to help keep you on track when away from home. Rela[...]

Bachelorette Weekend in Austin, TX

Posted In: Lifestyle | Travel
Happy Monday, Ya'll! I just got back from a fun-filled weekend in Austin, TX. 17 of us flew in from all around the country for a joint Bachelor- Bachelorette weekend celebrating my good friend from college, Carlyn, and her soon-to-be husband, Joe. Carlyn and I were randomly assigned as roommates freshman year of college in the dorms at U of A. She is actually part of the "mutual friend" link that led me to meet Travis, so I am forever indebted to her! Friday Special bonus for spending the weekend in Austin!? My s[...]