

Cauliflower Mac & Cheese (Paleo & Low Carb Versions)

Posted In: Recipes | Side Dishes
We've got 2 recipes for the price of one in today's post! Here's what happened- I was experimenting in the kitchen last weekend and made 2 versions of the same basic dish, and then couldn't decide which one I wanted to share here today. They both turned out to be super tasty, and each have their benefits depending on your specific dietary needs or preferences :) This Cauliflower Mac & Cheese is a low carb, highly nutritious version of everyone's favorite side dish. I've done cauliflower mashed "potatoes", and cauli[...]

Top 22 Whole30 Recipes

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
How did everyone's first week of 2018 go? After writing last week's post about my 2018 New Year's Resolution, I have felt a sense of calm that I didn't have before.  I think that by deciding to practice "contentment" this year, I have let go of a lot of the things that cause me undue stress. I realized that the things that worry me, overwhelm me, frustrate me, etc. are all things that I cannot control. By making the conscious decision to "change the things I can, and accept the things I cannot," life takes on a whole ne[...]

Paleo Sloppy Joes

Posted In: Beef | Recipes
Anytime I even think about Sloppy Joes, the ridiculous scene from Billy Madison pops in my head and I can't help but laugh.  The lunch lady in the scene does not make them seem very appetizing, as she heaps the sandwiches onto the plate with the classic lunch lady line, "I made them extra sloppy for ya!" I will say, Sloppy Joes were actually something I looked forward to when I occasionally ate from the cafeteria at school. There is just something very classically "elementary school" about them. But you know what? There[...]

Mushroom and Artichoke Stuffed Chicken

Posted In: Chicken & Turkey | Recipes
I think I've mentioned it here before, but Travis and I recently turned a major corner when it comes to eating mushrooms. I am honestly not quite sure what did it, but suddenly I am buying mushrooms on a bi-weekly, if not weekly basis. They say your taste buds change as you get older, so I'll chalk it up to that! I know people usually feel pretty strongly, one way or another about mushrooms, but if you are on the fence, you gotta give this recipe a try. The combination of the mushrooms with garlic, shallots, and of course[...]

Bread-less Thanksgiving Stuffing

Posted In: Recipes | Side Dishes
Thanksgiving is less than 1 week away! That is seriously so hard for me to believe. But I am stoked that the holidays are HERE and that we have made it to the most wonderful time of the year :) What are your plans? Do you have the pleasure of cooking a feast for your family? Will you be bringing a dish to a family gathering, or are you hitting the road along with the rest of us? We will be heading east to Tucson, AZ to visit Travis's family. There are a lot of them (he is one of 5 siblings, plus lots of nieces, nephews[...]

Healthy, Hearty Beef Stew

Posted In: Beef
Last year, for our first Halloween in our new house, we didn't quite know what to expect in terms of trick-or-treaters. We live in a neighborhood, but also at the top of a hill that would make even the most determined kiddo hesitate. I decided that we would make our own Halloween, costumed visitors or not. So I made a big pot of Beef Stew, turned on Hocus Pocus, and waited! We ended up handing out a whole bowl's worth of candy, and the night felt like the quintessential Halloween evening! Since Travis and I are in the ear[...]

Terrifyingly Tasty Chili

We had a day of Fall here in San Diego! It went from 100º on Saturday, to a beautiful, crisp Sunday, with the temps maxing out around 75º. Now that's what I'm talking about! We started the picturesque Fall day with a walk in the preserve with these guys. (I had to pause to take a picture because it actually looked like we have real seasons here!)  We also had plans to have friends over later to watch football, so I decided it would be the perfect opportunity to make the season's first batch of chili. I looked around th[...]

Everyday Breakfast Frittata

Posted In: Recipes
Confession: I am not a huge meal-prepper. I know, I know. It would help a ton on our busy weeknights and we might even be able to eat dinner before 8PM sometimes. But for whatever reason, I just prefer making quick, simple, fresh dinners each night. HOWEVER, one thing I do try to prep on a weekly basis is a Breakfast Frittata! (Or as Travis likes to call it: A Nelly Frittata...eye roll.)  We work out first thing in the morning and then it is a mad dash to get back out the door and to work on time. The weeks that I have a[...]