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(Healthier) Chocolate Peanut Butter No Bake Cookies

Posted In: Recipes | Sweets/Desserts
It's summertime, and in our house, that means "just say no" to turning on the oven! But that doesn't mean we can't still enjoy a decadent dessert! These "Healthier" Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies are absolutely delicious and would be perfect to bring to a 4th of July Party for everyone to enjoy! Now, I know similar versions of these cookies have been around for a long time. Who has memories of eating them during their childhood? I sure do! I very specifically remember savoring every bite of one of these cookies for d[...]

BBQ Pulled Pork Sliders

Posted In: Pork | Recipes
With the 4th of July just around the corner, I have the perfect summer get-together recipe for you! I know some people can have some pretty strong feelings when it comes to what kind of BBQ sauce they prefer. There's Kansas City Style, Texan, North Carolinian, and many more I'm sure. Me? I really don't care either way as long as it's tasty and there isn't high fructose corn syrup and maltodextrin in the ingredient list! (Sounds snooty, I know...what can I say?) I am a bit of an ingredient snob, but I do care what goes[...]

Meal Plan Monday

Posted In: Lifestyle
Another Monday, another meal plan! Taking the time to sit down and plan out our week's worth of dinners on Sunday mornings has proven to be such a huge help!  Going into the week with a plan makes me feel much more organized and less like I am flying by the seat of my pants each evening when I get home. I usually have plenty of ingredients to make "whatever sounds good" but that always proved to be too much of a thought process come 6pm! Having the menu posted on the fridge takes all the pressure off, and we end up ea[...]

15 Super Summer Recipes

Posted In: Recipes | Round-Up
I feel like I just stopped talking about how hot it was (I think that went on well into December), but just like that, we find ourselves back in the season of Summer! Yes, it is great being able to go to the beach or play in a pool, enjoy long summer nights, and BBQ any night of the week. But gosh, I just realllllly don't like being hot. I shouldn't complain too much-this morning the news was presenting a "high heat advisory" because we were reaching the high 80's. It could be worse! Anyway, in "celebration" of the c[...]

Meal Plan Monday

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Back at it again with the meal plan Monday! It went over so well last week (for me at least) that I decided to do it again this week! If nothing else, posting our menu for the week is forcing me to think about our meals in a more organized sense and then actually execute the plan. Truthfully, just by "putting it out there" it is holding me more accountable to plan ahead, rather than winging it each night. Plus, we didn't eat out once last week, because we always had a plan in place for dinner and leftovers to use up. W[...]

Paleo Zucchini Chocolate Chip Muffins

You may have heard (I can't seem to stop talking about it) but our garden is overproducing zucchini like crazy and I ain't mad! Not mad, but I am feeling a little pressure to come up with recipes to use up our overabundance of summer squash. This week, we "gorged" on zucchini noodles with our Chicken Parmesan, and have had our fair share of grilled zucchini on the BBQ these past couple of weeks. I was ready to turn to something a little more...exciting to use up more of our zucchini. I haven't baked in a while, and the[...]

Meal Plan Monday

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
It's been a hot minute since I've shared a meal plan here, and that is because (to be totally honest) I haven't been doing much meal planning at all! My work schedule totally changed in the past 6 weeks and it threw me off my game a little! I finally feel like I am adjusting, and I have made it my mission this week to get back in the meal plan game. While I can get by without one, not having a plan makes my evenings feel more flustered and we end up not eating dinner until after 8, which leads to a later bedtime, and t[...]

Things I’m Loving Thursday

Posted In: Lifestyle
Happy Thursday! We've almost made it through the work week :) This week is going much better for me than last week...last Thursday was my birthday and I was sick as a dog! I still have the lingering effects of my cold, but overall, I feel SO much better. Nothing like a good cold to make you really appreciate your overall health and wellness! A "Things I'm Loving Thursday" post is something I've been thinking about doing for a while now. I just love the idea of rounding up things that are making me happy at the moment a[...]

(Almost 5 Ingredient) Cauliflower Rice Taco Casserole

Posted In: Beef | Recipes
Happy Monday! We are on the other side of yet another weekend, and suddenly it is June. How on earth did that happen? I spent the weekend doing my best to recover form a nasty cold I came down with last week, and thankfully, am feeling much better. I think my improved state has a lot to do with the fact that I am finally sharing this amazing recipe with ya'll! We take Taco Tuesday pretty seriously in our house.  It is pretty much expected that we will be eating Mexican food of some kind every.single.Tuesday. This w[...]

Glacier National Park in 3 Days

Posted In: Lifestyle | Travel
Earlier this year, I posted my US Travel Bucket List here on the blog. It was fun to put together, and I really wanted something tangible that I could refer to, rather than just having the ideas swirling around in my head. I have always loved traveling and have a pretty strong urge to see as much of the country (and world) as I can. If you have that same itch, I highly recommend writing out an actual list of places you'd like to visit. It is so helpful to see it in ink, prioritize and, make a plan of attack (even if some o[...]