

Our Weekend in Snapshots

Posted In: Lifestyle | Travel
Happy Monday! I am that obnoxious type of person that actually quite likes Mondays. It might have something to do with the fact that I am off work, but just I'll roll with it. As I mentioned Friday, we had Travis's Mom, Dad, and niece and nephew in town for the weekend. They were very busy and I think they had a blast! Here's Our Weekend in Snapshots! Thursday The Kibler Crew arrived on Thursday evening and I threw together a little "Make your own Taco" bar. Some loaded up Flour Tortillas, some used Corn, but to keep it[...]

6 Tips to Help You Stick to a Workout Routine

Posted In: Fitness | Lifestyle
Exercise is a huge part of my life. For me, working out is an essential part of a cycle that leads to greater health and overall happiness ---> I eat foods that nourish my body so that I can be stronger in my workouts...I am able to "hang" during the toughest of workouts because those foods fuel my body. I am a better, stronger person both mentally and physically when I sweat and get my heart rate up. Basically, what I am trying to say is, "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't sh[...]

Bachelorette Weekend in Austin, TX

Posted In: Lifestyle | Travel
Happy Monday, Ya'll! I just got back from a fun-filled weekend in Austin, TX. 17 of us flew in from all around the country for a joint Bachelor- Bachelorette weekend celebrating my good friend from college, Carlyn, and her soon-to-be husband, Joe. Carlyn and I were randomly assigned as roommates freshman year of college in the dorms at U of A. She is actually part of the "mutual friend" link that led me to meet Travis, so I am forever indebted to her! Friday Special bonus for spending the weekend in Austin!? My s[...]


Posted In: Lifestyle
Welcome to Our Fine Day! I'm Maggie, and this is Travis. We met in 2010 in Tucson, AZ while attending the University of Arizona. We have been married for almost 2 years now and we live in Southern California (where I grew up.) We have 2 big dogs (Hi Jack and Macey!) that are pretty much the center of our universe. I think everyone with kids rolls their eyes when we say this, but we definitely believe they are preparing us for parenthood (mostly with those 5am wake-ups, but also the feeling of unconditional love, an[...]