
Posted In: Lifestyle

Welcome to Our Fine Day!

I’m Maggie, and this is Travis. We met in 2010 in Tucson, AZ while attending the University of Arizona.

The early years!

We have been married for almost 2 years now and we live in Southern California (where I grew up.)

We have 2 big dogs (Hi Jack and Macey!) that are pretty much the center of our universe. I think everyone with kids rolls their eyes when we say this, but we definitely believe they are preparing us for parenthood (mostly with those 5am wake-ups, but also the feeling of unconditional love, and the knowledge that they depend on us solely for life!)

Cooking and eating consume a lot of my thoughts as well as time.  We also love traveling, reading, taking the “kids” for walks, and just living a generally active lifestyle.  Travis is very handy around the house and yard, while I love to practice my creativity in the kitchen.

My journey with cooking and healthy eating really got started as I was graduating college. I had suddenly developed some pretty severe allergies to food and my environment (I will spare you the pictures of swollen, cracked lips and extreme eczema breakouts) that lead to lots of allergy testing and elimination diets.

I spent a lot of time being mad at myself and at food for causing such gnarly breakouts all over my body. “What did I eat or do wrong this time?” was a common question I’d ask myself. One day, my long time family practitioner finally told me, “You have allergies and Eczema just like you have brown hair. It is part of your genetic makeup and while you can do things to help reduce symptoms, but you can’t just get rid of it.” That statement really sank in and was the best thing anyone could have told me because, like magic, my breakouts slowly began to dissipate almost altogether. I continued to keep my eating very clean (mostly following the Paleo Diet) but without the stress of blaming myself and food for my skin troubles, I was able to live a much happier, healthier life. I am definitely no scientist or nutritionist, but I saw firsthand what an important role stress plays in our lives.

Now, many  years after that initial breakout, I continue to strive for balance with healthy eating while not allowing my restrictions to rule my life. My diet has evolved over time. I have done Whole 30s, I have avoided dairy, then added it back in, gone to the white rice side, and then cut it back out. Overall, I am at a really comfortable place in knowing what my body needs in order to feel energized, confident, and ready to take on the day…and that usually means trying not to get bulldozed by a Mastiff!

On this site you will see recipes that are super clean, healthy, and full of nutrients! Other times, you will see more of a “treat” or indulgence. We also love eating out on occasion and then I enjoy trying to recreate the recipe back at home.

No matter what it is that I am posting about, it is all from the heart. I genuinely believe that food tastes better when it is made from a place of love and patience (Hello, love language!) and that translates to all of my daily activities. Because if you’re not acting out of love, acceptance, patience (something I am ALWAYS working on), and passion then why do it at all?

I am so excited to start sharing this fine life of ours with all of you!





Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies