Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend.
I had the chance to participate in one of my favorite weekends of the year at REINS. (For those of you that don’t know, REINS is the non-profit therapeutic horseback riding program where I work.) We put on our annual “Fun Day Horse Show” where our students had the opportunity to show off everything that they have been practicing all year long for their family and friends. It takes a lot of hard work to make it happen over 2 long days, but man, it is SO worth it to see our special students shine!

“I’ve often said, there is nothing better for the inside of a human than the outside of a horse.” -Ronald Reagan
Travis and I also had the chance to squeeze in a date night, which is a pretty rare occurrence, and it was so nice!
We tried out a new Sushi place (Love Boat Sushi) and we left very satisfied with full bellies! Funny story: The restaurant had pretty good reviews on YELP, but one patron gave them 2 stars…because their sushi slices were too thick. I thought that was a pretty silly reason to give a restaurant 2 stars. But we had a good laugh as we were trying to eat our pieces of sushi could barely fit one in our mouths. Good thing it wasn’t a first date! Concern noted, but still not 2-star worthy. 😉
Now, onto that sweaty Saturday morning workout!
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I knew I was going to be in a rush to get to work on Saturday, so I asked my CrossFit coach for a quick workout I could do at home with just dumbbells. (I recently purchased these for just this type of occasion!) I don’t know about you guys, but I am ALWAYS more inclined to actually do a workout if it is already made up for me. The less thought that has to go into it, the better! However, I am also usually very sorry I asked Coach for help after he comes up with something evil, but I digress!
So, here’s what to do. After warming up, (could be a slow jog, could be some high knees, jumping jacks, stretching, etc.) start with 30 goblet squats.
Start standing tall, with you legs hip-width apart, your toes angled out just slightly, holding the dumbbell like so:
Trying to keep your back straight and chest up, squat down until your butt is below your knees. As soon as you hit the bottom of your squat, stand tall, just like in the starting position. This is for full squat depth, but if that is too much of a challenge, ditch the weight altogether. If you are still having trouble getting below parallel, try squatting to a chair. As soon as your rump hits the chair, stand back up all the way.
Next, execute 30 push ups. (Push ups are certainly NOT my best or favorite move which is why they often show up when I ask Coach Charley for a workout!)
Start in the plank position, with your back as flat as possible.
You can also start on your knees…you are still working the same muscle groups and working on strengthening your chest, core…and entire upper body!
The goal when you are in the bottom of your push-up is for your chest and hips to just barely touch the ground before you head back up into the plank position without inch-worming out of it…something I struggle with 🙂
After 30 push ups, you will complete 30 sit ups. Here, I used the movement standards for “butterfly” sit ups. Start laying on your back with the bottom of your feet together and your hands on the ground behind your head…
Use your core to sit up and end the movement with your hands touching the ground just past your feet. Again, this is for full range of motion.
The last move you will complete is 30 push press.
Start with the dumbbells resting on your shoulders, standing tall.
Next, bend your knees just slightly and use the momentum of standing up tall to help you push the dumbbells straight up to the sky. So, you’ll bend knees, and simultaneously stand tall while you press the dumbbells up, lockout out your elbows. Bring them back down to your shoulders and repeat, 30 times!
After completing 30 reps of each move, you can go for an optional 400 meter run (My dogs desperately needed to burn off some energy, so we ran down the street and back up in between rounds.) Then, go through the same order with 20 reps, and again with 10!
A few notes:
Unless you work out on a regular basis, I recommend using 10LB dumbbells. The squats and push presses are no joke, and there are a lot of them! What’s important is that you get your heart rate up a little bit, sweat it out, and  get used to the mechanics of each movement!
Don’t worry about going super fast, focus more on doing each move correctly.
If you do not have any dumbbells, or would just prefer not to use them, Â here is a slight variation of the 30-20-10- workout! This would also be a great travel/hotel workout when you’re on the go!
I hope you all have a wonderful, active, and healthy week ahead! Â Let me know if you give this workout a try!
Any content you see on Our Fine Day is simply here in hopes of giving you options and ideas in the world of food and fitness. Â It should not be viewed as a guideline in any way, and should you need assistance in diet or exercise, please contact a physician.Â