
healthy lifestyle

Meal Plan Monday

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
It's been a hot minute since I've shared a meal plan here, and that is because (to be totally honest) I haven't been doing much meal planning at all! My work schedule totally changed in the past 6 weeks and it threw me off my game a little! I finally feel like I am adjusting, and I have made it my mission this week to get back in the meal plan game. While I can get by without one, not having a plan makes my evenings feel more flustered and we end up not eating dinner until after 8, which leads to a later bedtime, and t[...]

Weekly Meal Plan 3/12/18

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Happy Monday! I know everyone is talking about Daylight Savings time like it's something new, but man it hit us hard this year! And for absolutely no good reason, because I'm pretty sure we got the same amount of sleep we normally do, but we were both feeling mightly sleepy all day yesterday! I guess our bodies just need a minute (or a few days) to adapt to change! We resisted the urge to just sit around, and got out of the house to run some errands, Travis did a little work around the house, I got some cooking/picture[...]