
Meal Planning

Meal Plan Monday 7/9

Posted In: Lifestyle
How did everyone's week go? Did you enjoy the weird mid-week holiday? We definitely did, but it also threw us off the rest of the week. Total "what day is it?" syndrome! We laid low for the 4th because our little woofers are afraid of fireworks, so I wanted to be home with them. We ended up taking them for 2 long walks AND over to my mom's to play for a couple hours, so they actually pretty much slept through all of the loud noises. So now we know that's the "secret"! :)  Anyway, now that we are back to a "normal" wee[...]

Weekly Menu 2/26

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. The weather was pretty much perfect and we did our best to take advantage of our beautiful southern California sunshine. We did a little work in our garden (I planted an herb garden...a little hesitantly, as I have always had a rather brown thumb,  but I am remaining optimistic). We packed a lunch and had a little picnic at the beach (and I asked, out loud, more than once, why we don't do this more often!?) And of course, took the dogs for a few solid strolls a[...]

Our Weekly Menu: Whole 30 Edition

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Nothing like a Monday after a long holiday weekend to give you a hard reminder about reality, huh? Fortunately, I get an extra day to ease back into the daily grind, but that doesn't mean I'm not hitting the ground running today...there's a lot of catching up to do after being out of town! I wanted to stick with my new routine of sharing our weekly menu with you all! When we got back from Arizona, I decided I wanted to do a little mini Whole 30 (really more like a Whole 7) to reset my eating habits a little and help mysel[...]

Our Weekly Menu!

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Hi friends! Happy Monday! I have been slacking lately in the meal planning department. I have a general idea of the ingredients I need to buy in order to give myself healthy options, but without a specific plan, I find myself struggling to decide what to make come dinner time! So, this weekend I decided to get back on track (taking some cues from my tips for meal planning post ) and made a solid plan and list before heading off to the store for my weekly haul. I thought that I would share some of my ideas/inspirati[...]

Tips for Successful Meal Planning

Posted In: Lifestyle
I think that Mondays really set the tone for the rest of the week. I am definitely more relaxed on the weekend in terms of food choices, and if I let it carry over to Monday, it seems to snowball throughout the whole week. So, I do my best to clean up my diet and get a healthy start. I love the motto "Never miss a Monday" when it comes to working out. This is all to say, Mondays don't have to be a bummer if you have a solid plan in mind to make it a healthy, goal-getting week. I usually spend about 30 minutes on Sund[...]