

Meal Plan Monday

Posted In: Lifestyle
Another Monday, another meal plan! Taking the time to sit down and plan out our week's worth of dinners on Sunday mornings has proven to be such a huge help!  Going into the week with a plan makes me feel much more organized and less like I am flying by the seat of my pants each evening when I get home. I usually have plenty of ingredients to make "whatever sounds good" but that always proved to be too much of a thought process come 6pm! Having the menu posted on the fridge takes all the pressure off, and we end up ea[...]

Weekly Meal Plan 3/12/18

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Happy Monday! I know everyone is talking about Daylight Savings time like it's something new, but man it hit us hard this year! And for absolutely no good reason, because I'm pretty sure we got the same amount of sleep we normally do, but we were both feeling mightly sleepy all day yesterday! I guess our bodies just need a minute (or a few days) to adapt to change! We resisted the urge to just sit around, and got out of the house to run some errands, Travis did a little work around the house, I got some cooking/picture[...]

Meal Plan Monday

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Howdy, friends! How was your weekend? Ours was productive and pretty low key. Travis built this new fence and planters in our front yard, while I did a bunch of cooking and meal prep. (We are going to plant some ivy or a climbing plan of some sort to help give us some privacy from the neighbors :) ) I don't typically spend a lot of time meal prepping on the weekends, but I have a friend from work that asked me to teach her how to cook! I am by no means an expert, but I have been at it for a while and was excited to share[...]

Meal Plan Monday

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Well hello hello! It has been a whole week since my last post, and let me tell you, that was not the plan! Last week started out on a high note with Paleo Cookies in a Jar, but things only went downhill from there. I fully intended to share a second recipe with you all on Thursday. It involved a pork tenderloin with apples and onions and let's just say it sounded a lot better in my head than it actually tasted. It wasn't awful, and we still ate it for dinner, but it just wasn't blog worthy. Only the best for you guys![...]