
Weekly Menu

Meal Plan Monday

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Hello friends! I am back after an unwarranted break from blogging. Call it a rut, call it writer's (or recipe maker's) block, whatever it was, I have no legit excuse. But that is the past, and I wanted to come back with a delicious meal plan to kick off a new week. I usually have a "theme" or a mindset as I am writing out my menu for the week, and this one is no different! I actually had a couple of things in mind as I sat down to meal plan. First off, Travis will be out of town this week, which means I can make[...]

Meal Plan Monday 8/6/18

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Howdy, friends! It's been a little while since I've shared a meal plan, and since it is my number 1 secret to success, I feel it is something I should share more often! Seriously, I've said it before and I'll say it again, but if I could offer people trying to eat more home-cooked, healthy meals ONE piece of advice, it would be to meal plan. The most common reason for failure that I hear (and have experienced first hand, might I add!) is that people are TIRED when they get home from work/a long day and the last thing t[...]

Meal Plan Monday

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Back at it again with the meal plan Monday! It went over so well last week (for me at least) that I decided to do it again this week! If nothing else, posting our menu for the week is forcing me to think about our meals in a more organized sense and then actually execute the plan. Truthfully, just by "putting it out there" it is holding me more accountable to plan ahead, rather than winging it each night. Plus, we didn't eat out once last week, because we always had a plan in place for dinner and leftovers to use up. W[...]

Meal Plan Monday

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
It's been a hot minute since I've shared a meal plan here, and that is because (to be totally honest) I haven't been doing much meal planning at all! My work schedule totally changed in the past 6 weeks and it threw me off my game a little! I finally feel like I am adjusting, and I have made it my mission this week to get back in the meal plan game. While I can get by without one, not having a plan makes my evenings feel more flustered and we end up not eating dinner until after 8, which leads to a later bedtime, and t[...]

Weekly Meal Plan 3/12/18

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Happy Monday! I know everyone is talking about Daylight Savings time like it's something new, but man it hit us hard this year! And for absolutely no good reason, because I'm pretty sure we got the same amount of sleep we normally do, but we were both feeling mightly sleepy all day yesterday! I guess our bodies just need a minute (or a few days) to adapt to change! We resisted the urge to just sit around, and got out of the house to run some errands, Travis did a little work around the house, I got some cooking/picture[...]

Weekly Menu 2/26

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. The weather was pretty much perfect and we did our best to take advantage of our beautiful southern California sunshine. We did a little work in our garden (I planted an herb garden...a little hesitantly, as I have always had a rather brown thumb,  but I am remaining optimistic). We packed a lunch and had a little picnic at the beach (and I asked, out loud, more than once, why we don't do this more often!?) And of course, took the dogs for a few solid strolls a[...]

Meal Plan Monday

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Howdy, friends! How was your weekend? Ours was productive and pretty low key. Travis built this new fence and planters in our front yard, while I did a bunch of cooking and meal prep. (We are going to plant some ivy or a climbing plan of some sort to help give us some privacy from the neighbors :) ) I don't typically spend a lot of time meal prepping on the weekends, but I have a friend from work that asked me to teach her how to cook! I am by no means an expert, but I have been at it for a while and was excited to share[...]

Our Weekly Menu: Whole 30 Edition

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Nothing like a Monday after a long holiday weekend to give you a hard reminder about reality, huh? Fortunately, I get an extra day to ease back into the daily grind, but that doesn't mean I'm not hitting the ground running today...there's a lot of catching up to do after being out of town! I wanted to stick with my new routine of sharing our weekly menu with you all! When we got back from Arizona, I decided I wanted to do a little mini Whole 30 (really more like a Whole 7) to reset my eating habits a little and help mysel[...]

Weekly Menu: Cleaning out the Fridge Edition

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Who is ready for the big day!? The excitement is building every day as we look forward to our trip to Tucson to see all of Travis's family. We even have an audiobook on hand to make the drive more bearable (Travis says that is debatable...he is more of a podcast kinda guy ;) ) We will be hitting the road on Wednesday, so on Sunday morning during my normal meal planning/ shopping list making time, I decided to challenge myself to use as many of our pantry staples and purchase as few items as possible. Fortunately, I did ov[...]