5 Tips to Help you Stick to a Healthier Diet

Posted In: Lifestyle

I don’t think there are many people that think about food quite as much as I do. I realize that the way that I meal plan and food prep is not quite typical, and most “normal” people don’t put so much thought and effort into planning, shopping, organizing, and cooking. I truly enjoy doing it, and it’s just where my mind goes during idle moments. But it got me thinking, where do some people go wrong, or when do they come across an obstacle that makes healthy eating seem unattainable? I have received a lot of feedback from friends, coworkers, and have had plenty of trip-ups myself over the years that have made me realize there are a few major obstacles that we face when trying to stick to a healthy lifestyle.

I narrowed it down to 5 hitches that happen, and included subsequent tips that I think make eating healthy seem much more easy and achievable.

Obstacle #1

NOT planning ahead.  

I truly think this is the NUMBER ONE way we sabotage ourselves when trying to eat healthier. Planning ahead for the week is absolutely key because once the dinner menu is set, the hard part is done. The rest is just a matter of executing, but that is easy! If you don’t have a plan, you are SO much more likely to go with a seemingly easier, less healthy option.

Set aside 20 minutes over the weekend (usually during my Sunday morning coffee) to pick 5 meals to make for the week. Always plan on leftovers for lunches, and take into consideration any special plans (like after work appointments, or a pending date night, etc). Write it out and stick it on the fridge, so everyone knows what to expect for dinner. If needed, print out or bookmark your recipes for easy access.

While you are making your menu, write out the groceries you will need as well. (This super simple Weekly Menu Printout makes it even easier to organize and execute when you are at the store!)

When you get home from a long day of work, or running around with crazy kiddos all day long, the “thinking” part is already taken care of. Now, you just need to put your plan into action. (Side note: the CrockPot is your BFF).

I wrote a whole blog post just about meal planning, because it is such a valuable part of a healthy lifestyle.

Obstacle #2

Lacking Variety 

Between Pinterest and the amazing amount of healthy food bloggers/books out there these days, it is crazy to think that eating healthy means sticking to chicken breast, steamed broccoli, and brown rice every night.I realize those are “safe” best, but there is so much variety to be had out there (and why I find a Paleo diet so appealing, in fact!)

If you are eating a variety of foods, trying and discovering new things, and experimenting with different flavors, healthy eating becomes a huge learning experience, rather than a pain in the rear. (There will be fails in there…it’s the nature of the beast-it’s also how we learn to become better cooks!)

As you are planning for the week, maybe make it a goal to try one completely new recipe a week. Variety is the spice of life, ya’ll!

Obstacle #3

NOT making a Game Plan

This is not a repeat of obstacle #1. Meal planning is a very specific plan for the week so that you know exactly what you’ll be shopping for, cooking, and eating throughout the week. For this obstacle, I am talking about a general guideline or map of what your plan is for transitioning to or sticking to a healthier lifestyle.

Are you going to start with cutting out flour (pasta, bread, and baked goods)? (I think that is an excellent place to start, btw 🙂 ) Are you going to go cold turkey and hit a Whole30 right off the bat (no grains, legumes, dairy, or sugar for 30 days)? Would you be better off transitioning slowly, and just trying to cut down on some processed carbs? There are a lot of options out there for sure. But the important thing is mapping out just what you think will work for YOU.

Obstacle #4

NOT adjusting as you go

Ok, so you have your gameplan laid out. But what if it’s not working for you? If you are feeling like you are starving yourself, or depriving yourself of life’s greatest pleasures (ie: chocolate), or not seeing enough progress, you might need to reevaluate your plan!

Living a healthier lifestyle is meant to be a happy, positive thing that gives you new energy and confidence in your self. There is a little tough love involved, and you might need to give it a little more time to see the difference, but if you feel that your plan really isn’t working for you, switch it up! Just don’t give up.

A healthy diet is an evolution, and will constantly change as you develop and learn about what works (or doesn’t work) for you.

Obstacle #5

Aiming for Perfectionism

The last greatest stumbling block is thinking we have to be perfect. One of my favorite mantras is “Progress, not perfection.” This applies to many aspects of life, but definitely to living a healthier lifestyle. If we get too caught up in being perfect, the smallest setback could derail us. I think a super healthy, obtainable viewpoint is the “80/20” rule. This means that you stick to the “rules” 80% of the time, and then leave the other 20% for not so perfect eating. This could be the bowl of ice cream you want on a Saturday night, or the breakfast burrito that calls to you on a Sunday morning.

In the grand scheme of things, this is a lifestyle, not a diet, and we have to make sure it is sustainable. If that means eating chips and salsa when you go out to Mexican, so be it!

I hope that you find some of these tips helpful if you are working on sticking to some New Years resolutions, or just trying to be the best possible version of yourself! I would love if my obsession with planning and thinking about food could help another person lead a happier, healthier life! 🙂


Here are some other similar posts I’ve done with helpful tips for a healthy lifestyle!

6 Tips to Help You Stick to a Workout Routine

Grocery Shopping Tips & Trips 

6 Tips for Staying on Track When Traveling

Tips for Meal Planning






Artichoke, Chicken and Pesto Spaghetti Squash Casserole
Cauliflower Mac & Cheese (Paleo & Low Carb Versions)