

5 Tips to Help you Stick to a Healthier Diet

Posted In: Lifestyle
I don't think there are many people that think about food quite as much as I do. I realize that the way that I meal plan and food prep is not quite typical, and most "normal" people don't put so much thought and effort into planning, shopping, organizing, and cooking. I truly enjoy doing it, and it's just where my mind goes during idle moments. But it got me thinking, where do some people go wrong, or when do they come across an obstacle that makes healthy eating seem unattainable? I have received a lot of feedback from frie[...]

Meal Plan Monday

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Howdy, friends! How was your weekend? Ours was productive and pretty low key. Travis built this new fence and planters in our front yard, while I did a bunch of cooking and meal prep. (We are going to plant some ivy or a climbing plan of some sort to help give us some privacy from the neighbors :) ) I don't typically spend a lot of time meal prepping on the weekends, but I have a friend from work that asked me to teach her how to cook! I am by no means an expert, but I have been at it for a while and was excited to share[...]

Top 22 Whole30 Recipes

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
How did everyone's first week of 2018 go? After writing last week's post about my 2018 New Year's Resolution, I have felt a sense of calm that I didn't have before.  I think that by deciding to practice "contentment" this year, I have let go of a lot of the things that cause me undue stress. I realized that the things that worry me, overwhelm me, frustrate me, etc. are all things that I cannot control. By making the conscious decision to "change the things I can, and accept the things I cannot," life takes on a whole ne[...]

Thoughts About New Years Resolutions

Posted In: Lifestyle
Hellllooo friends!! It has been a bit since I last posted...I have missed creating new recipes and sharing tidbits about my life! I wouldn't say the break was "much needed" as I love using this space as a creative outlet...I was just filling my time with other things which left little time for cooking and blogging. Things like: taking a trip to Seattle, loving on my baby nephew (aka the sweetest, most adorable thing!), reading (something I rarely make time for), lots of dog walks, and spending some extra quality[...]

12 Days of Christmas At Home Workout

Posted In: Fitness | Lifestyle
Happy Friday before Christmas! I think that since Travis and I both took today off work, it is really starting to feel like the official kick-off to Christmas weekend! Something about Christmas being on a Monday this year is making it feel like the festivities should start today and last through the big day! Anyway, we started our day off with a sweaty Friday workout (as usual) but with a little Christmas spin! At our gym, it's an annual tradition to participate in the "12 Days of Christmas" workout. While the individualÂ[...]

Meal Plan Monday

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Well hello hello! It has been a whole week since my last post, and let me tell you, that was not the plan! Last week started out on a high note with Paleo Cookies in a Jar, but things only went downhill from there. I fully intended to share a second recipe with you all on Thursday. It involved a pork tenderloin with apples and onions and let's just say it sounded a lot better in my head than it actually tasted. It wasn't awful, and we still ate it for dinner, but it just wasn't blog worthy. Only the best for you guys![...]

10 Things I’ve Learned About Marriage (So Far)

Posted In: Lifestyle
Get ready for a sappy love post! Travis and I just celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary this week. (And by celebrate, I mean we exchanged the traditional 2-year "cotton" gifts and then went on with the evening, business as usual...we will try to do something more special this weekend. Romance is not our strong suit.) Two years have seriously flown by. We had a beautiful wedding in my hometown over Thanksgiving Weekend, surrounded by all of our closest family and friends. It truly was a dream come true, and I k[...]

Our Weekly Menu: Whole 30 Edition

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Nothing like a Monday after a long holiday weekend to give you a hard reminder about reality, huh? Fortunately, I get an extra day to ease back into the daily grind, but that doesn't mean I'm not hitting the ground running today...there's a lot of catching up to do after being out of town! I wanted to stick with my new routine of sharing our weekly menu with you all! When we got back from Arizona, I decided I wanted to do a little mini Whole 30 (really more like a Whole 7) to reset my eating habits a little and help mysel[...]

Weekly Menu: Cleaning out the Fridge Edition

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Who is ready for the big day!? The excitement is building every day as we look forward to our trip to Tucson to see all of Travis's family. We even have an audiobook on hand to make the drive more bearable (Travis says that is debatable...he is more of a podcast kinda guy ;) ) We will be hitting the road on Wednesday, so on Sunday morning during my normal meal planning/ shopping list making time, I decided to challenge myself to use as many of our pantry staples and purchase as few items as possible. Fortunately, I did ov[...]

Our Weekly Menu!

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Hi friends! Happy Monday! I have been slacking lately in the meal planning department. I have a general idea of the ingredients I need to buy in order to give myself healthy options, but without a specific plan, I find myself struggling to decide what to make come dinner time! So, this weekend I decided to get back on track (taking some cues from my tips for meal planning post ) and made a solid plan and list before heading off to the store for my weekly haul. I thought that I would share some of my ideas/inspirati[...]