Happy Monday! I am that obnoxious type of person that actually quite likes Mondays. It might have something to do with the fact that I am off work, but just I’ll roll with it.
As I mentioned Friday, we had Travis’s Mom, Dad, and niece and nephew in town for the weekend. They were very busy and I think they had a blast! Here’s Our Weekend in Snapshots!
The Kibler Crew arrived on Thursday evening and I threw together a little “Make your own Taco” bar. Some loaded up Flour Tortillas, some used Corn, but to keep it grain free for myself, I whipped these super easy Paleo “Tortillas.” Tacos are always such a crowd-pleaser and so easy to customize!
On Friday, Travis took the day off to go to SeaWorld with the kids. He misses them so much and I know he was so grateful to get to spend the day with them.
The Kibler’s go big, and one amusement park for the weekend wasn’t enough! On Saturday, the crew headed off to Legoland (while I went to work), something I know the kids had been looking forward to for ages!
Finally I got to join in on all the fun! We started the day off with a mile long hike along the Santa Margarita River Trail for Jack the Water Dog.

Free piggy-back-rides from Uncle Travis. Macey is waiting or her turn. The love for water was apparently not hereditary.
Next up: Breakfast! I had extra tortillas from Thursday and had Breakfast Tacos on my mind during the entire hike.
After fueling up, we spent much of the rest of the day playing at the beach in Carlsbad! It was an absolutely perfect day and I could’t believe how warm the water was!
Our last item on the agenda for the weekend was a special request from my father-in-law, Tom. He says a trip to Fallbrook isn’t complete without a meal at Nessy Burgers.

Bunless for me, of course!
These babies are no joke! But we had no problem polishing off our burgers and communal fries after a long day of playing in the sand and waves!
We had such a great weekend with the Kiblers! It’s hard being away from Travis’s family, but it makes their visits that much more special!