

Paleo Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

Oh yes, I'm going there! Basically the second it was officially Autumn, I grabbed a can of pumpkin and my apron. Call me "basic", see if I care! While I wouldn't say the weather is exactly screaming "FALL!", the mornings have been cooler, the days slightly crisper, and the harsh heat seems to have at least taken a break for the time being. In Southern California, that's really all you can ask for! So on Sunday morning, I decided it was time to whip up a batch of Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins. I feel like we all[...]

Almond Flour Paleo Blueberry Muffins

Almost every Friday, a volunteer at the non-profit where I work brings muffins and other little breakfast pastries. Such a sweet gesture that is always a big hit with everyone! While I usually have no problem passing on any store-bought baked goods, this past Friday there was just something about the Blueberry muffins that gave me a major hankering! One way I have learned to keep myself on the "paleo track" over the years is to tell myself, "If you want to eat a ____, you can but you have to make it yourself." This is a[...]

Instant Pot Chorizo & Egg Breakfast Casserole

We're in the final countdown, guys! Christmas is 5 days away and I literally started AND finished my shopping TODAY. I wish I was kidding, but all I can say is TGFA (Thank God For Amazon). I don't always procrastinate so hard, it just took me a little longer than usual to get into the Christmas spirit this year. But once I got going, I was unstoppable ;) Can't wait to see everyone open their gifts in just a few short days! Anyway, although I was a little behind the ball in the gift department, I've been thinking about the[...]

Coffee Cake Banana Bread

I hope you have room for one more Thanksgiving Day recipe! I promise, it requires very little "hands-on" time and will be totalllly worth the extra effort! Even though I don't have to worry about cooking/preparing any portion of the main meal this year (the benefit of traveling for the holiday ;) ) my mind was set on making a special breakfast (that would travel well) to start the day off right. We will be staying at a hotel and I plan to stick to our tradition of waking up early to get coffee and then sipping it while we[...]

Italian Sausage and Artichoke Frittata

Posted In: Breakfast | Recipes
If you happen to follow me on Instagram, you know alllll too well that every.single.Monday I make a breakfast frittata. I am off work on Mondays, so I spend the little extra time to prep breakfast for the week (which is really no more work than making 1 day's worth of breakfast!) and it saves me so much time the rest of the week. I constantly change up the ingredients, so I never get tired of eating my frittata slices throughout the week. Plus, I would literally never make it to work on time if I didn't have breakfast ready[...]

Next Level Breakfast Nachos

Posted In: Recipes
I look forward to Sunday mornings all week long. This might be embarrassing, but sometimes I even go to bed early on a Saturday just so that Sunday morning will come quicker. As much as I'd like to sleep in, I am usually too excited about the prospect of getting up and making that perfect cup of coffee, taking it to the couch, and catching up on one of the shows I missed during the week (Totally sucked into "This is Us" despite the heartbreak I feel during every episode!) Yup! That's the kind of life I live and what I look f[...]

Pumpkin Spice Grain-Free Granola

Posted In: Recipes | Sweets/Desserts
Is anyone getting tired of the "pumpkin everything" life yet? I'm not! I am happily reveling in all things Fall. This Pumpkin Spice Grain Free Granola is perfectly sweet, crunchy, chewy, and Fall flavored. I have made countless batches of this stuff over the last couple of years and every time I am reminded of just how easy it is to throw together! I took a hiatus making any since last Christmas, but I don't think a week went by without my mom asking "When are you going to make another batch of that granola?" Well with Fa[...]

Grain Free Pumpkin Scones

Posted In: Recipes | Sweets/Desserts
Am I the only one that gets slightly irrationally irritated at the premature celebration of Fall? Don't get me wrong, it is EASILY my favorite season of the year and I long for it from about June 1st on. But in order to really enjoy it, it has to really feel like fall. Fortunately, the 1st official day of Fall AND 3 consecutive days of temps in the mid 70's collided for a perfect opportunity to revel in the best season of the year. With a Sunday morning with no plans on my hands, my brain was swirling with ideas for how[...]

Everyday Breakfast Frittata

Posted In: Recipes
Confession: I am not a huge meal-prepper. I know, I know. It would help a ton on our busy weeknights and we might even be able to eat dinner before 8PM sometimes. But for whatever reason, I just prefer making quick, simple, fresh dinners each night. HOWEVER, one thing I do try to prep on a weekly basis is a Breakfast Frittata! (Or as Travis likes to call it: A Nelly Frittata...eye roll.)  We work out first thing in the morning and then it is a mad dash to get back out the door and to work on time. The weeks that I have a[...]

Perfect Paleo Banana Bread

Posted In: Recipes | Sweets/Desserts
We have kids in our house! Human kids, not just the K-9 type. Travis's niece and nephew are visiting from Tucson for the weekend, along with his parents. We have been looking forward to seeing them, and since feeding people is my love language, I have been brainstorming kid-friendly meal ideas. On the menu is: Taco night, make your own pizza night, as well as dinner out at my father in-law's favorite burger spot. I also wanted to make sure we had some healthy options on hand for them to grab on their way out the door to S[...]