10 Secrets to a Well-Stocked (Gluten Free) Fridge and Freezer

Posted In: Lifestyle

I started this little 2-part series last week by explaining that I am a little bit of a food hoarder. I don’t know what it is, but I feel more at ease in the kitchen when I have my sacred staples on hand! By always having these items on hand, I can rest assured knowing that I can whip up a healthy, hearty meal on a whim, any time!

Knowing what staples I need before heading to the store makes my shopping trips quick and stress-free. I have things down to a science when I enter Trader Joe’s as to what exactly I need to grab and where to find them. Plus, if there is ever a time when I can’t make my usual grocery store run, I almost always have a spare in the pantry or freezer.

Last week’s list included pantry staples, which were mostly non-perishable items that I can stock up and they won’t go bad anytime soon. I see the freezer as my “pantry” for perishables like vegetables, fruit, and protein.

While I buy many fresh groceries on a weekly basis, I am ALL about buying in bulk, stocking up my freezer and always having options if Plan A fails. It gives me the freedom to peruse my freezer to decide what feel like cooking for dinner that night. I buy some of these items from Costco to stock up on purpose, but I also like when I can throw unused meat or produce in the freezer to use another time. I feel like I luck out the next week when I grocery list is even just a little bit shorter 😉

I store things in the freezer (and fridge) that I don’t use often, but that some in super handy when I do need them. This eliminates me needing to run to the store for one ingredient more often than I can count!

Finally, every-so-often, I decide that I need to plan a “clean out the kitchen” menu for the week, where I try to only use what I have on hand. This usually happens when we are about to go on a trip or when I need to cut down on grocery costs. It’s a fun way for me to organize my pantry, fridge, and freezer, and try to get creative by using what I already have. Sometimes those are our favorite weeks because I end up going back to the basics.

Anyway, I only share these tidbits to help you see why I hoard certain food items. Maybe it sounds a little crazy, but then again perhaps having some of these items on hand will help you become more organized, prepared, and save money!


1. Frozen Protein/Meat

This one is up first for a reason! I think that most people that shop at Costco do so to stock up on their reasonably priced meats. I love making our monthly trip and buying at least one package of their organic chicken breasts, ground beef, and chicken sausages. If we are really going for it, I also like to get organic ground turkey, chicken wings, and thighs. I don’t think all of that would fit in my freezer, so we have to pick and choose a little bit. But there is nothing like meal planning the week after a Costco trip…the sky is the limit! 🙂

2. Frozen Vegetables

I have read that frozen vegetables can actually be just as if not more nutritious than out of season fresh vegetables. This was all I needed to hear to stock up on alllll the frozen vegetables (that will fit in my freezer at least). I don’t ever have to worry about them going bad, and if I fail to remember a veggie to go with dinner, I always have something in the freezer for backup. The frozen cauliflower rice gets it’s own picture because it’s such a game changer for me. I LOVE not having to make my own and I always have a bag or 2 on hand to feed myself when I make Travis “real” rice!

3. Frozen Fruit

It doesn’t happen very often and definitely more so in the summer, but I love having frozen fruit on hand for when we want to make a smoothie. Fresh fruit gets eaten up pretty fast in our house, so to throw a bunch of it into a blender almost feels wasteful. By having bags of frozen fruit, it is dedicated smoothie ingredients that won’t go bad and are there any time the craving hits! Also, not pictured, but I also always freeze bananas that get too brown for regular consumption. That way, I can add them to smoothies or use them for banana bread!

4. Gluten Free Bread

I keep GF Bread in the freezer (as opposed to the fridge or on the counter) because I eat it pretty infrequently. I love having it on hand in case I feel sick and the only thing that will do is a piece of toast, but I also sometimes use it to make tuna melts or paninis when that’s what Travis is having. I have tried many different kinds, and this is a really good one to mimic the classic whole wheat bread.

5. Butter

Is it strange that I buy butter in bulk and freeze it? I’d like to think not! This is another Costco purchase because I love this brand of grass-fed butter and the price is right! I love that I usually have a back-up or 2 in the freezer because it’s not something I usually think of buying on my regular grocery trips. One never knows when Chicken Piccata or Chocolate Chip Cookies might show up on your menu!


6. Fresh Vegetables

While I do love being able to pop vegetables into and out of the freezer anytime, I do also purchase a lot of fresh vegetables each week. Some veggies just don’t freeze well, plus we eat a lot of them each night, so I like to have a variety to choose from! For shipping list purposes, I usually buy at least 4 fresh vegetables and some of our favorites are zucchini, lettuce/spinach, asparagus, artichokes, bell peppers, and broccoli.

7. Eggs

Even with only 2 people in the house, we easily go through 2 dozen eggs a week (and Travis really only eats them on the weekend!) I am very fortunate to get fresh eggs from a coworker most weeks, so that cuts down on costs, plus I love that they are SUPER fresh and nutrient rich! Eggs are DEFINITELY a top fridge staple around our house!

8. Deli Meat/Bacon

Isn’t bacon a staple in every house? We definitely eat our fair share so a package of bacon always finds it’s way into the shopping cart each week. I’ll often buy extra and freeze it so I know we won’t run out 🙂 Travis eats his ham and pepperoni bagel sandwiches every day for breakfast, so they are a necessity. Having extra deli meat on hand is great for snacking and also a picnic lunch on occasion!

9. Perfect Bars

These are usually another Costco purchase because the price is right, but they are also becoming available in many grocery stores and even in Starbucks! The bars are a little sweet for me, so I usually only eat 1/2, but they are SO dang tasty, high in protein, packed with nutrients, and come in really handy as a pre-workout snack or a mini breakfast. While I don’t eat a ton of these, I love having them on hand for the reasons listed above and always bring a few with me when I travel.


If there is one indulgent thing that I MUST ALWAYS have on hand, it’s these 2 types of chocolates. I enjoy one of the Honey Mints after lunch each and every day, and then about 4 squares of the chocolate bar every night after dinner. I just don’t want to live a life that doesn’t involve dessert/chocolate and these are my favorites! I make darn sure I never run out, because I’d feel pretty lost without my treats!


While there are a few other items I typically purchase and store in the freezer and fridge, these are the ones I always like to see when I open the door. I have enjoyed sharing pantry and fridge/freezer essentials because they make me feel organized, prepared, and like I never have an excuse to order takeout! I hope you can use the lists to help you stock up your kitchen as well!

Pizza Stuffed Bell Peppers
Caballero (Cowboy) Caviar