

10 Tips to Get Back on Track After Vacation

Posted In: Lifestyle | Travel
We got back from our AMAZING trip to Glacier National Park late Sunday night and jumped RIGHT back into reality Monday morning. (Because, adulating.) We did as much as we could squeeze in during the 3 quick days we were there, including lots of sightseeing, hikes, bike rides, and of course, more than our fair share of eating!  I plan to tell ya all about the trip in a blog post soon. But since I am currently in the midst of it myself, and the summer/travel season is pretty much here, I thought that I would share some str[...]

Healthy Travel Snacks-What to Pack for an Outdoor Adventure

Posted In: Lifestyle | Travel
Travis and I are about to take off on a fun adventure to Glacier National Park in Montana! I wanted to do something extra special for his 30th birthday, and after pressing him for a couple of weeks on what he wanted, he finally revealed that he really wanted to take a trip to Glacier Park to check off a bucket list item and start off his 30's on a high note! Travis isn't really the one to get super excited about traveling, so when he was the one to initiate an adventure, I was ALL over it! We don't have a ton of act[...]

10 Secrets to a Well-Stocked (Gluten Free) Fridge and Freezer

Posted In: Lifestyle
I started this little 2-part series last week by explaining that I am a little bit of a food hoarder. I don't know what it is, but I feel more at ease in the kitchen when I have my sacred staples on hand! By always having these items on hand, I can rest assured knowing that I can whip up a healthy, hearty meal on a whim, any time! Knowing what staples I need before heading to the store makes my shopping trips quick and stress-free. I have things down to a science when I enter Trader Joe's as to what exactly I need to grab[...]

10 Secrets to a Well Stocked Pantry

Posted In: Lifestyle
I'll come right out and admit it...I am a little bit of a food hoarder. Every week before I go grocery shopping, I scour my pantry to make sure I have at LEAST one of these go-to pantry staples. By consistently having these items on hand, I know that I can always make healthy choices and create delicious meals. This is the first post of a 2-part series, so I also plan to share my fridge and freezer staples separately in the near future. These pantry staples are vital when it comes to deciding "what's for dinner?" or th[...]

Top 10 Kitchen Gadget Must-Haves

Posted In: Lifestyle
I started to enjoy cooking when I was a senior in high school, but it looked quite different back then! I mostly cooked Standard America Diet type meals consisting of casseroles, white pasta, white flour, and storebought dressings/prepackaged foods. I enjoyed trying new recipes, but I had no idea what I was doing and things usually either turned out severely overcooked or questionably undercooked. I think when I moved back home after college, I really started to get the hang of things in the kitchen. I needed to get healt[...]

His & Hers Grown Up Easter Baskets

Posted In: Lifestyle
With Easter just over a week away, I am getting in the spirit the best way I know how-creating Easter Baskets for my family! I am big on traditions, but my husband and I are still working on creating long-standing traditions as we approach each holiday as relative "newlyweds". I remember some fun Easter traditions our family had when my siblings and I were younger, but ever since we outgrew the egg hunt stage, our traditions pretty much petered out. These days, our Easter Sunday consists of a very low key brunch that do[...]

Weekly Meal Plan 3/12/18

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Happy Monday! I know everyone is talking about Daylight Savings time like it's something new, but man it hit us hard this year! And for absolutely no good reason, because I'm pretty sure we got the same amount of sleep we normally do, but we were both feeling mightly sleepy all day yesterday! I guess our bodies just need a minute (or a few days) to adapt to change! We resisted the urge to just sit around, and got out of the house to run some errands, Travis did a little work around the house, I got some cooking/picture[...]

U.S. Travel Bucket List

Posted In: Lifestyle | Travel
It is so hard for me to believe we are already almost a week into March! Granted, it is a loooong month, but holy cow, it's going to be summer before we know it! It might sound silly, but I have been having a bit of a hard time lately as I realize how damn fast the months and years are flying by. We have lived in our house for almost 2 years (it feels like just yesterday we were house hunting), I have been working at my job for over 5 years, and Travis is turning 30 this year!!! It's just hard to believe we are both round[...]

Weekly Menu 2/26

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. The weather was pretty much perfect and we did our best to take advantage of our beautiful southern California sunshine. We did a little work in our garden (I planted an herb garden...a little hesitantly, as I have always had a rather brown thumb,  but I am remaining optimistic). We packed a lunch and had a little picnic at the beach (and I asked, out loud, more than once, why we don't do this more often!?) And of course, took the dogs for a few solid strolls a[...]

Here Goes Nothin!

Posted In: Lifestyle
I sat down this morning to put the finishing touches on a recipe post I started last week, and it just didn’t feel right. This last week has been a doozy around here. I have been a little “out of touch”, but I finally feel like I can and should write about some more personal stuff that has been going on in my life. I know that my blog is still young and not highly populated, if you will. But my overall hope is that by sharing healthy, delicious recipes and healthy lifestyle tips, I can help make a tiny difference in s[...]