

Sitting, Waiting, Hoping

Posted In: Lifestyle
Disclaimer: Non-food-related post ahead! It's been 5 whole months since the last time I spilled my guts about our journey to becoming parents. It's hard to believe that that much time has already passed, and at times I feel like life is flying by at an uncontrollable rate. For whatever reason, I feel compelled to share an update here on the blog. I know that even some of my closest friends and family members are curious as to what is going on, but let's be honest-it's hard to ask someone about their uterus! ;) I wan[...]

Meal Plan Monday

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Back at it again with the meal plan Monday! It went over so well last week (for me at least) that I decided to do it again this week! If nothing else, posting our menu for the week is forcing me to think about our meals in a more organized sense and then actually execute the plan. Truthfully, just by "putting it out there" it is holding me more accountable to plan ahead, rather than winging it each night. Plus, we didn't eat out once last week, because we always had a plan in place for dinner and leftovers to use up. W[...]

Things I’m Loving Thursday

Posted In: Lifestyle
Happy Thursday! We've almost made it through the work week :) This week is going much better for me than last week...last Thursday was my birthday and I was sick as a dog! I still have the lingering effects of my cold, but overall, I feel SO much better. Nothing like a good cold to make you really appreciate your overall health and wellness! A "Things I'm Loving Thursday" post is something I've been thinking about doing for a while now. I just love the idea of rounding up things that are making me happy at the moment a[...]

Top 10 Kitchen Gadget Must-Haves

Posted In: Lifestyle
I started to enjoy cooking when I was a senior in high school, but it looked quite different back then! I mostly cooked Standard America Diet type meals consisting of casseroles, white pasta, white flour, and storebought dressings/prepackaged foods. I enjoyed trying new recipes, but I had no idea what I was doing and things usually either turned out severely overcooked or questionably undercooked. I think when I moved back home after college, I really started to get the hang of things in the kitchen. I needed to get healt[...]

Here Goes Nothin!

Posted In: Lifestyle
I sat down this morning to put the finishing touches on a recipe post I started last week, and it just didn’t feel right. This last week has been a doozy around here. I have been a little “out of touch”, but I finally feel like I can and should write about some more personal stuff that has been going on in my life. I know that my blog is still young and not highly populated, if you will. But my overall hope is that by sharing healthy, delicious recipes and healthy lifestyle tips, I can help make a tiny difference in s[...]

Thoughts About New Years Resolutions

Posted In: Lifestyle
Hellllooo friends!! It has been a bit since I last posted...I have missed creating new recipes and sharing tidbits about my life! I wouldn't say the break was "much needed" as I love using this space as a creative outlet...I was just filling my time with other things which left little time for cooking and blogging. Things like: taking a trip to Seattle, loving on my baby nephew (aka the sweetest, most adorable thing in.the.world!), reading (something I rarely make time for), lots of dog walks, and spending some extra quality[...]

12 Days of Christmas At Home Workout

Posted In: Fitness | Lifestyle
Happy Friday before Christmas! I think that since Travis and I both took today off work, it is really starting to feel like the official kick-off to Christmas weekend! Something about Christmas being on a Monday this year is making it feel like the festivities should start today and last through the big day! Anyway, we started our day off with a sweaty Friday workout (as usual) but with a little Christmas spin! At our gym, it's an annual tradition to participate in the "12 Days of Christmas" workout. While the individual[...]

10 Things I’ve Learned About Marriage (So Far)

Posted In: Lifestyle
Get ready for a sappy love post! Travis and I just celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary this week. (And by celebrate, I mean we exchanged the traditional 2-year "cotton" gifts and then went on with the evening, business as usual...we will try to do something more special this weekend. Romance is not our strong suit.) Two years have seriously flown by. We had a beautiful wedding in my hometown over Thanksgiving Weekend, surrounded by all of our closest family and friends. It truly was a dream come true, and I k[...]

Our Weekly Menu!

Posted In: Lifestyle | Recipes
Hi friends! Happy Monday! I have been slacking lately in the meal planning department. I have a general idea of the ingredients I need to buy in order to give myself healthy options, but without a specific plan, I find myself struggling to decide what to make come dinner time! So, this weekend I decided to get back on track (taking some cues from my tips for meal planning post ) and made a solid plan and list before heading off to the store for my weekly haul. I thought that I would share some of my ideas/inspirati[...]

In Defense of CrossFit

Posted In: Fitness | Lifestyle
Last week, I posted about Michael Pollan's Food Rules. His simple breakdown on food and health (something usually so complex) resonated with me and represented the essence that I hope to convey with this blog. I would put mindful eating at the top of any list in terms of overall health. However, another vital aspect of a healthy lifestyle is exercise. I exercise for a whole gamut of reasons. Partly out of vanity, partly to maintain my strength, must mostly to keep my sanity. I have shied away from bringing up much abou[...]